Age of wonders planetfall happiness
Age of wonders planetfall happiness

That scouting Warrior also finds my neighbour, Askia of Songhai is worryingly close. I get lucky with my scouting Warrior exploring ruins the turn after settling giving me an early boost to my population. As a bonus, I can check out if there are any horses nearby before heading down the tech tree to Iron Working.

age of wonders planetfall happiness

In particular I want to get the early techs to improve the sheep and deer, Animal Husbandry and Trapping. After moving to settle Rome a bit away from the unproductive mountains, I have quite a few nearby resources. Their Legion unit is a small upgrade over the early Swordsman.

age of wonders planetfall happiness

I draw Rome as my random civilization which dovetails well with my plan. So the plan is to push for early war, possibly in the classical era with Horsemen or Swordsmen or an early unique unit if my civ has one. My experience has continued to show that the AI is weak in times of warfare which is all well and good while you're not technologically behind.

age of wonders planetfall happiness

A few more games at King level has restored my confidence, and hopefully refined my strategy. My first attempt on Emperor level had ended pretty quickly - a half-hearted attack with Swordsmen against Musketmen provoked the ire of my neighbours who did me in pretty quick.

Age of wonders planetfall happiness